TODO Tracker

Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.


Items to Learn

Golang (1%)

The programming language built for the cloud.

Vue.js (10%)

The simplistic User Interface framework.

Vuetify.js (10%)

The material design component library for Vue.js

Javascript (5%)

The programming language of the web.

Software Architecture (20%)

Software Platforms need to be scalable, maintainable and reliable.

Hobbies to adopt

Hobby App: Reading List Manager Application (5%)

An online List Manager application to handle user bookmarks.

Tech Blogging (0)

Write what you learned. The cycle seems to be: Reading -> Thinking -> Writing -> Thinking -> Reading -> ...

Building a compiler and an operating system from scratch (0/100)

Because that involves many intricacies worth giving a try by oneself.